

May 23, 2019

Sarah Jean's Story

I am a survivor of many things but now, I want to learn to live a happy life. That is proving to be a challenge with no one helping in public places. I have a history of abuse from the system when it comes to healthcare. I am deaf since 1973. The records don't always get acknowledged because of prejudice against people in homeless situations. I am a creative mind and I am here to find my children ( taken from me at birth) in the system and go to business school. I seek to be a paid business manager or teacher and activist in women's issues in Michigan. Especially as it concerns missing children and adults or hidden in the in foster care system.
Lastly, I want to praise the Metro for being consistent and providing transportation on a daily basis to errands that are crucial to my survival and necessary for the healthcare system to see that I can be a parent and provider and participant in Kalamazoo policies on healthcare, the arts and homelessness. I may even start an online business here with the community's support. Thanks; see you around.

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